If you have a website then chances are you’ve heard of search engine optimization or SEO. In simple terms, SEO is the idea of optimizing your website to rank as high as possible in the search engines (preferably page one of the results and within the top few listing)....
Reflections from the Pond–Integrity and the Blank Canvas by Betsy Lohrer Hall
A well-trained Olympic diver neatly parts the water as she enters it—she barely makes a ripple. Thinking or acting with integrity is much like this. It is clear and direct, and it may seem effortless. But it is not easy; it takes practice. So today, I practice. I...
The New School Bully; It’s Not Who You Think by Cindy Hogan
There is a new bully in town and it’s not who you think. Our schools have been fighting the good fight for a while now with positive results, but bullying still happens. We hear it in the news all the time about some mean kid launching an attack on a peer and making...
Anger–A Daughter’s Rage at Alzheimer’s by P.J. McIlvaine
We were sitting in a restaurant--me, my mother, and the jerk who eventually became her second husband (he was also the creep who tried to molest me under the guise of fatherly pretense). He went on and on about how much he loved my mother, that my brother and I had...
The Hero Within–A Journey Toward Happiness by Jenny Ngo
PARADIGM: Stuck in a Habit When I was young life was difficult, or rather I was resistant to it. You always hear people say "I wish I knew then what I know now" and boy doesn't that ring true for me. I knew nothing of the concept of allowing or being in the flow. I...
Too Wired in a Wireless Society? Recharge Your Spirit
Let’s face it, whether we like or not, we live in a wired world. Or should I say wireless? Not sure about you but when my computer is on the fritz, or the cable goes out—I know who even uses cable anymore?—or if I don’t have enough bars to make the call let alone...
Finding The Super Hero Within by Johnno Zee
“There's no fear; Underdog is here!!!” Y’all remember Underdog? That shoe-shining beagle/basset hound mix with a penchant for rhymes who transformed himself into a superhero with the pop of a pill? And who could forget that loveable reporter Sweet Polly...
Integrity Is Being by Eric Brodeur
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines integrity as a “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.” Most people feel it shares company with words like ‘honesty’ and ‘morality’ but it’s neither of those things. Integrity is “doing what you said you...
Do You Know What Is Happening IN PLAIN SIGHT? by David Trotter
I am a student of the human condition. I am fascinated with the human psyche and the human soul. What makes us tick; why we do what we do; why there is injustice in the world and what decides whether or not we as individuals have the mettle to take a stance and...
Integrity Lost: Combating Negativity Online by Christine Conradt
I am on the cusp of turning 40. And when you stand where I am, you can’t help but reflect on your life, count your accomplishments and ponder whether you’re where you thought you’d end up. It’s natural, and it’s also natural to look back at the world in which...