“Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace.”― Steve Goodier If you examine an electrical outlet, you will find three wires. Hot. Neutral. Ground. Without the ground the chance...
Finding Your New Normal
"Be the change you want to see in the world"--Gandhi The only constant is consistent change; everything else is a variable. Paraphrasing Heraclitus with my 21st century modification. The world is forever changing. Each of...
Herald Optimism Purpose Everyday Hope-- heralding the energy of hope is the core to human essence and survival. Without hope, the spirit—the sense of ones’ purpose—diminishes and eventually dwindles and dies. Without hope, one cannot see the promise of the...
Breathing with Trees
“Trees exhale for us so that we can inhale them to stay alive. Can we ever forget that? Let us love trees with every breath we take until we perish”― Munia Khan We take both breathing and trees for granted. Yet without one the other could not survive. It is...
Playing the Hand You’re Dealt by Rev. George Baum
“Fear not! For I am with you. Do not be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” Context: Isa 41: 8-10 – The prophet Isaiah speaks words of encouragement to God’s people who are...
A New Kind of Independence Day!
Happy Fourth of July All! The day is sure to be replete with lots sizzling fireworks not to mention those sizzling scents from the grill—be it steaks, hamburgers and hot dogs or veggie burgers, corn, and asparagus. This is a day for celebration. And while hopefully no...
Scratch Beneath the Surface
“Don’t judge a book by its cover!” We all like to spout this cliché, but few of us truly adhere to it, myself included. We live in a diverse, complicated world. We rely on our senses to navigate it—sight being one. We make assessments based on the images and...
2014–New Year, New Chapter, in Unwritten Book Called the Rest of Your Life
Roll up the Holly, and toss out the tree. Not to mention that still unwrapped fruitcake sitting on the dining room table that is now stiff as a brick. Xmas is over as is the previous year and for many, ne’er a moment too soon. It’s time to pop those Champagne corks...
Healing with Acronyms: MISFIT
Manifest Inner Strength Find Individual Truth Remember the “island of misfit toys” in Rudolph? The winter wonderland where all the oddball toys huddled in the cold with tear-streamed faces lamenting how once again Santa left them behind and they’d...
Follow Your Christmas Star
I love the night sky. Ever since a child. When little I used to think that the brightest star of the night was there just for me. I never called it my North Star and later I discovered I was right for it was never the North Star I gazed upon but instead Venus—which is...