







Remember the “island of misfit toys” in Rudolph? The winter wonderland where all the oddball toys huddled in the cold with tear-streamed faces lamenting how once again Santa left them behind and they’d once again be homeless on Xmas day.

As a child I always waited with bated breath hoping and praying that Santa would come this year and that Rudolph would blaze the way. Of course, that wish always came to fruition. And if you think about it Rudolph, Hermey, Cornelius not to mention the Abdominal Snowman were misfits in their own way. I mean Rudolph was left out of the reindeer games thanks to his shiny bright nose—which of course as the story went on we learned that he saved the day for all.

In the end, they all found a fit and a home and friendship and family. They were no longer “misfits,” but instead unique unconventional nonconformists endeared and loved by all.

So exactly what is a misfit? According to Webster’s it’s a noun denoting a person who is different from other people and who does not seem to belong in a particular group.

In other words, a misfit is an outsider without a fit….one excluded from the reindeer games du jour. Or one abandoned and left alone, perhaps not on a literal island but one stranded on an island nonetheless. The island of loneliness.

But let’s a look at some of those misfits, individuals who at times in their lives felt like outsiders, and when you read the list, you will see that they not only found a fit, they blessed the world with some of our greatest gifts. That list includes: Rudyard Kipling, Beatrix Potter, Kant, Newton, Beethoven, Tennyson and Brahms, just to name a few.

So next time you see an oddball, or if you consider yourself one, take a second glance because you just might be seeing someone who is ahead of the curve of the norm, one who has much to contribute to this realm and to others.  Instead of deeming that person a misfit, remember this Healing Acronym—Manifest Inner Strength; Find Individual Truth—and make it your mantra for the day.


1 Comment

  1. Alison Blasko

    Test 3

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