Guilty pleasure. Guilt by association. Guilty conscious. Guilty verdict. Guilty as sin.
Seems guilt is ubiquitous nowadays. Everywhere we turn someone is guilty of something. Guilt conjures images of the snarky cricket Jiminy perched upon Pinocchio’s shoulder telling him what he should and should not do. And while our noses may not grow, the regrets weighted on our shoulders often do. Succinctly put—guilt is when we feel bad. Its emotional counterpart shame on the otherhand is when we think we ARE bad.
Guilt is a part of the human condition. We’re not perfect.
We’re human. We make mistakes. Deal with it. We can’t change the past or the actions of the past, but we can take steps to ensure it never occurs again, at least not at our hands.
Guilt can be a good thing. It’s the harsh taskmaster that forces us to learn lessons that cause us to grow as a person, as a spirit. Without it, we’d all be sociopaths. For we would care less about our thoughts and deeds not to mention the repercussions the aforementioned thoughts and deeds would impact upon others and their lives. Not a fun road to walk in life.
Guilt is our reality check.
Guilt is the internal clock that serves as our check and balance system that tells us—hey you went too far…is this really the person you want to be….is this really how you want others to remember you and your actions, your legacy. How would you feel if someone did this to you?
When we hit this crossroad, when we are asking ourselves the questions above, then we need to analyze why we did what we did. Simple as that. For there is always a root cause, a trigger. We must try to not only learn from the experience, but to correct it and prevent it from ever reoccurring. At least we must try to prevent it from every reoccurring at our hands.
Sometimes we can only do that by forgiving ourselves and others.
Forgiveness is imperative. Forgiveness is not always possible on a one-to-one, face-to-face personal level. Sometimes it means asking only in our hearts that the person we hurt can find the way to heal and forgive us. Or if we were the one hurt we need to learn to forgive the other person so it does not spiral us into a cycle of anger and hurt. For if we do, then chances are we will continue the pattern … only the next time we’d be hurting someone else and we’d justify it because we had been likewise hurt.
The only way to stop the circle of hurt creates hurt, which in turn creates guilt is to try as best one can to live in accordance with your higher self. If we can always strive to remain true to our core natures—which is pure light and love—then we will live and act in such a way that we will not harm others. The prospect would be unfathomable.
So next time you are feeling guilty, or if someone you know is feeling guilty—examine the trigger event that sparked the emotion. Try to see what you could do in the future to avoid repetition of the act. Change your mindset, and change your future approach because chances are good that you will encounter a similar situation in the future.
Next time you are feeling guilty, try to thwart the offset of the downward spiral into regret. Redirect the energy into the mantra—generate understanding; initiate living truthfully. For if you can understand why you did something that makes you feel guilty afterward, then you can learn to avoid making the same choice in the future. And when you can do that, you will be living truthfully to who you are as a spirit, who you are as a human.